Please complete the feedback form below.
Please complete a separate form for each of the morning and afternoon sessions.
Session date & time(morning/afternoon):
Session topic:
List 3 things that your group members have learned from this session that might change your practice:
Please tell us what you particularly liked or disliked about this session:
Please tell us anything you think we should do differently next year:
Which of the WPBA capability areas would this session provide evidence for?
—Please choose an option—Fitness to practiceMaintaining an ethical approachCommunication and consultation skillsData gathering and interpretationClinical examination and procedural skillsMaking a diagnosis/decisionsClinical managementManaging medical complexityWorking with colleagues and in teamsMaintaining performance, learning and teachingOrganisation, management and leadershipPractising holistically, promoting health and safeguardingCommunity orientation
We've collated a list of useful resources for GP trainees covering a range of various topics.